
I provide 60-minute sessions using a 3-tiered pricing model, with a base rate, limited discounted rates, and a pay-it-forward rate (see more detailed info below).

Base rate: $150/session
Discounted rate 1: $125/session
Discounted rate 2: $100/session
Pay-it-forward rate: $200/session

A Quick Guide to the Tiered Pricing Model
(taken from Worts and Cunning)

While you can look at more thorough info about what a tiered pricing model is and why I use it here, below is a very brief rundown :

The ‘base’ pricing tier is the base rate of sessions. If you choose a rate below the base rate you are receiving a discount.

The first discounted rate is for those who are able to meet their basic needs but have little-to-no expendable income.
This tier is for whom paying at the base rate would qualify as a sacrifice but not create significant hardship.

The second discounted rate is for those who struggle to meet basic needs,
and for whom paying at the base rate would create significant hardship.

The Pay-It-Forward price is a few bucks above the base rate of sessions; that extra money goes towards supporting discounts for those with less financial privilege.
Essentially it's an opportunity to not only pay for your sessions, but to also support your fellow community members while you're at it. Sweet!

Note regarding payment:
I only see clients out-of-pocket, and cannot offer superbills at this time.

If you are needing to pay with insurance or an HSA, I can offer referrals to other practitioners that provide these means of payment.